viernes, 17 de junio de 2011

Nuestro Bolso Mensajero Tiene Un Nuevo Look

El bolso mensajero nomadart ya ofrece aun mas comodidad y utilidad. Ademas de contar con un tamano optimo para llevar lo necesario para el dia, organizado y seguro, ya posee cargaderas ajustables. Talla unica!
En tela liviana, resistente y con disenos y colores variados, aseguremos que encontraras lo que busques.

Our Messenger Bag Has A New Look

The nomadart messenger bag now offers even more comfort and convenience. In addition to being the perfect size for carrying everything you need for the day in an organized and secure fashion, now it has adjustable straps. One size fits all!

Made of lightweight, durable fabric that comes in a variety of designs and colors, we're sure you'll find what you're looking for.

El bolso mensajero nomadart ya ofrece aun mas comodidad y utilidad. Ademas de tener un tamano perfecto para llevar lo necesario para el dia, organizado y seguro, ya tiene cargaderas ajustables. En tela liviana, resistente y con disenos y colores variados, aseguremos que encontraras lo que busques.

Our Messenger Bag Now Has A New Look

The nomadart messenger bag now offers even more comfort and convenience. In addition to being the perfect size for carrying everything you need for the day in an organized and secure fashion, now it has adjustable straps. Made of lightweight, durable fabric that comes in a variety of colors and designs, we are sure you will find what you are looking for.

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